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Preparing Input Dataset

The input spatial digital gene expression (SGE) matrix can be generated using NovaScope.

Input Files:

The following files are essential and can be prepared using NovaScope:

(1) A Spatial Digital Gene Expression (SGE) Matrix in TSV format

  • Description: A SGE matrix in FICTURE-compatible TSV format, containing information of spatial barcode, gene, and UMI count for each genomic feature by barcode and gene.
  • Preparation: NovaScope facilitates the preparation of a raw SGE matrix via Rule sdgeAR_reformat and a filtered SGE matrix via Rule sdgeAR_polygonfilter. Both can serve as input files for NEDA. The filtered SGE matrix undergoes gene filtering and density-based polygon filtering in this format. Users can select the option that best suits their requirements. Our example uses the filtered SGE matrix as input.

(2) A Tab-Delimited Feature File

  • Description: A TSV file provides information of gene ID, gene name, and counts unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) for each genomic feature per gene.

  • Preparation: NovaScope also offers two options for this file, including the one corresponds to the raw SGE matrix from Rule sdgeAR_reformat (naming convention: *.feature.tsv.gz), and the clean feature file that passed the filtering based on gene names, gene types, and number of UMIs per gene from Rule sdgeAR_featurefilter (naming convention: *.feature.clean.tsv.gz). Our example data uses the clean feature file.

(3) A Metadata File for X Y Coordinates:

  • Description: This file contains the minimum and maximum X Y coordinates for the input SGE matrix.
  • Preparation: When the input SGE matrix is prepared by NovaScope, it includes a corresponding meta file for coordinates. The naming conventions for the raw and filtered coordinate meta files are *.raw.coordinate_minmax.tsv and *.filtered.coordinate_minmax.tsv, respectively.

(4) (Model-Specific) Hexagon-Indexed SGE Matrices:

  • Description: The hexagon-indexed SGE matrix is created by segmenting pixels in the SGE matrix into hexagonal units, with the size defined by the user.
  • Preparation: The required format for the hexagon-indexed SGE varies based on the chosen analytical strategy
    • For LDA+FICTURE analysis, provide a hexagon-indexed SGE matrix in FICTURE-compatible TSV format. This file can be generated using Rule sdgeAR_segment_ficture in NovaScope.
    • For Seurat+FICTURE analysis, supply a hexagon-indexed SGE matrix in 10x Genomics format. This file can be generated using Rule sdgeAR_segment_10x in NovaScope.

Example Datasets

Alternatively, NEDA offers three example datasets for this pixel-level analysis. For detailed information on these datasets and instructions on how to download them, see Accessing Example Datasets.