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The following is a quickstart guide to get you started with FICTURE.


We recommend installing FICTURE using pip

pip install ficture

Please make sure that bgzip and tabix is available in your system. Otherwise, please visit htslib website to install htslib.

Clone the repository

To access the example data, let's clone the FICTURE repository using the following command:

git clone

Run example datasets

Using example datasets, you can run FICTURE with the following command:

ficture run_together --in-tsv examples/data/transcripts.tsv.gz \
    --in-minmax examples/data/coordinate_minmax.tsv \
    --in-feature examples/data/feature.clean.tsv.gz \
    --out-dir output1 --all

This command will create a GNU makefile and run the FICTURE local pipeline.

This will run FICTURE on the example datasets and save the results in the output1 directory.

Running FICTURE with multiple parameter settings

You can change the parameter settings, such as the width of training parameters, or the number of concurrent jobs to run.

ficture run_together --in-tsv examples/data/transcripts.tsv.gz \
    --in-minmax examples/data/coordinate_minmax.tsv \
    --in-feature examples/data/feature.clean.tsv.gz \
    --out-dir output2 \
    --train-width 12,18 \
    --n-factor 6,12 \
    --n-jobs 4 \
    --plot-each-factor \

More information

If you want to see more options with the local pipeline, please run the following command:

ficture run_together --help

Note that the local pipeline is a wrapper for individual commands, and provided for convenience. For large datasets, you may need to run individual commands to mitigate memory or CPU constraints.

If you want to run FICTURE with individual commands rather than using the local pipeline, please refer to other sections in this documentation.