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spatula build-sbcds


spatula build-sbcds creates a spatial barcode dictionary based from an Illumina FASTQ file. Here is a summary of the main features:

  • Input: Takes a single-ended Illumina-sequenced FASTQ file containing the original read names as input.
  • Output: Produces a map of spatial barcodes (i.e. a mapping between barcode sequences and spatial coordinates), separated by each tile. It also generates a manifest file that summarizes the output for each tile.

An example usage of the tool is as follows:

spatula build-sbcds --fq1 /path/to/input_file.R1.fastq.gz --format DraI32 \
                    --out /path/to/output/dir/

See below for a more detailed usage description.

Required options

  • --fq : The path to the (single-ended) input FASTQ file. The read name must include the spatial coordinate information. (i.e. SRA-processed read names must not be used)
  • --format : Predefined spatial barcode format. It specifies the expected patterns of spatial barcodes, and whether reverse complement is required or not. A limited number of barcode patterns, including experimental ones, are accepted. The most popular choices are:
    • DraI32 : 32-bp barcode format from the Seq-Scope paper. The expected pattern in IUPAC codes is NNNNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBVNBNN; reverse complement is performed.
    • HDMI20 : 20-bp barcode format from the original Seq-Scope paper. This is intended for a small array area; reverse complement is performed.
    • DraI31 : 31-bp barcode format, almost identical to DraI32. This format is useful for one of the example sequence data we provided, which sequenced only the first 31-bp of DraI32 format. The expected pattern in IUPAC codes is NNNNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBNNBVNBN; reverse complement is performed.
  • --out : Output directory that stores the spatial barcode dictionary per tile. See Expected Output for more details.

Additional Options

  • --platform : Platform on which the FASTQ file is generated. This specifies the expected format of the read name. The key fields extracted are LANE, TILE, X, Y coordinates. Currently, the only officially supported format is Illumina (Other experimental formats are not documented here and will not be supported).
    • Illumina : Illumina read name should have the following format: [INSTRUMENT_ID]:[RUN_ID]:[FLOWCELL_ID]:[LANE]:[TILE]:[X]:[Y].
  • --force-lane : (For experimental platforms only) Force the lane number to a certain value; this is useful for certain platforms where the read name does not contain the lane information.

Expected Output

In the output directory [outdir], the following files will be created.

  • [outdir]/manifest.tsv contains the list of output tsv files. Each line contains the following information:
    • id : ID of the tile as [lane]_[tile]
    • filepath : Output file name associated with the tile [lane]_[tile].sbcds.sorted.tsv.gz. Note that the output is an unsorted tsv file, which must be sorted externally.
    • barcodes : The total number of spatial barcodes found in the tile.
    • matches : The number of barcodes matching the expected format.
    • mismatches : The number of barcodes that do not match the expected format.
    • xmin : The minimum value of the x coordinate per tile
    • xmax : The maximum value of the x coordinate per tile
    • ymin : The minimum value of the y coordinate per tile.
    • ymax : The maximum value of the y coordinate per tile.
  • For each tile, [outdir]/[lane]_[tile].sbcds.unsorted.tsv contains the barcode sequences and their spatial coordinates in tsv format. Note that the output is an unsorted tsv file, which must be sorted alphabetically and compressed into [lane]_[tile].sbcds.sorted.tsv.gz after build-sbcds has finished. Each column in the tsv file contains the following information:
    1. Spatial barcode sequences (in reverse complement if the specified format requires it).
    2. Lane
    3. Tile
    4. x-coordinate
    5. y-coordinate
    6. Number of bases that do not match the expected pattern defined by the format (0 is a perfect match).

Full Usage

The full usage of spatula build-sbcds can be viewed with the --help option:

$ ./spatula build-sbcds --help
[./spatula build-sbcds] -- Create spatial barcode dictionary based from HDMI FASTQ arrays

 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Hyun Min Kang
 Licensed under the Apache License v2.0

Detailed instructions of parameters are available. Ones with "[]" are in effect:

Available Options:

== Input options ==
   --fq         [STR: ]             : Input FASTQ file that contains spatial barcode in the readname
   --format     [STR: ]             : Format of the spatial barcodes (e.g. DraI32, HDMI20, T7-30, etc)
   --platform   [STR: Illumina]     : Platform of the sequencing data to determine the rule to parse the readnames (e.g. Illumina)
   --force-lane [INT: 0]            : Force a lane number. Required a positive value for Salus/SalusGlobal platforms

== Output Options ==
   --out        [STR: ]             : Output directory name

When --help was included in the argument. The program prints the help message but do not actually run