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spatula custom-demux-fastq


spatula custom-demux-fastq takes FASTQ files of sequenced reads and indexes to demultiplex the reads by sample. Compared to the default FASTQ demultiplexing tool provided by Illumina, custom-demux-fastq allows users to specify the matching criteria in a more flexible way. Specifically, the software performs demultiplexing based on the following criteria:

  • Unlike the default Illumina demultiplexing tool, custom-demux-fastq does not consider N as mismatches (by default).
  • The software allows users to specify the number of mismatches allowed to be considered as the match.
  • It also requires that the 2nd-best matching index sequences have larger hamming distance with the index sequences with a specific margin, compared to the best matching index sequences.

Note that this tool is NOT limited to demultiplexing spatial transcriptomics sequence data, and can be used for a general tool for demultiplexing FASTQ files as well.

Also note that this tool uses multi-process parallelization to speed up the compression. It is recommended to run this tool with at least 5-10 CPUs. gzip or pigz must be installed in the system to compress the output files.

Here is a summary of a typical use case:

  • Input: Takes FASTQ files that contain (a) Read 1, (b) Read 2 (optional), © Index 1, (d) Index 2 (optional) sequences.
  • Output: Produces multiple sets of FASTQs separated by the sample identity.

A typical example is as follows:

spatula custom-demux-fastq --R1 /path/to/input.R1.fastq.gz \
                           --R2 /path/to/input.R2.fastq.gz \
                           --I1 /path/to/input.I1.fastq.gz \
                           --sample /path/to/sample.index.tsv \
                           --out /path/to/output_prefix

See below for a more detailed usage description.

Detailed Usage Description

There are two expected use cases of spatula custom_demux_fastq:

Demultiplexing from BCL files

If you have access to the full BCL file, instead of demultiplexing individual samples, you may run bcl2fastq tool without performing demultiplexing, but creating index sequences as follows:

## ${bcldir} : directory containing BCL files
## ${outdir} : directory of output FASTQ files
bcl2fastq -R ${bcldir} -o ${outdir} --create-fastq-for-index-reads

Then all reads in the FASTQ file will be written into "Undetermined" FASTQs. You can use spatula custom_demux_fastq as input to demultiplex FASTQ files instead.

Further demultiplexing already demultiplexed FASTQ files

If you already have demultiplexed FASTQ files, you will already have FASTQ files that are demultiplexed individual samples. We typically do NOT recommend running spatula custom_demux_fastq on the FASTQ files that are successfully demultiplexed, as the results will look very similar to the default bcl2fastq pipeline.

However, if you have a substantial amount of "Undetermined" reads remaining, you may want use spatula custom_demux_fastq to further demultiplex the reads. Because Illumina's bcl2fastq pipeline typically performs demulitplexing in a conservative way, you may be able to rescue some of the reads with this tool.

Note that, if you have a very large number of samples (e.g. >10) demultiplexed in a single run, modifying the default parameter (e.g. using --min-diff 1 and/or --max-mismatch 1) may be necessary to achieve more sensible results.

Key options

  • --R1 : (Required) The path to the FASTQ file of Read 1.
  • --R2 : (Optional) The path to the FASTQ file of Read 2.
  • --I1 : (Required) The path to the FASTQ file of Index 1.
  • --I2 : (Optional) The path to the FASTQ file of Index 2.
  • --sample : (Required) Sample index file in tsv format, with the following three columns:
    • ID : Sample ID. Must be unique.
    • I1 : Index 1 sequence.
    • I2 : Index 2 sequence (if available).
  • --out : (Required) The prefix of the output file ([out_prefix].[sample_ID][suffix]) paths. See Expected Output for more details.

Additional Options

  • --cmd : The command to run for compressing output files. Each file is compressed with the command specified. The default is gzip -c. Another popular choice could be pigz -p 4 -c, which is faster than gzip -c if pigz is installed.
  • --max-mismatch : The maximum number of mismatches allowed to be considered as a match. The default is 2.
  • --min-diff : Minimum difference in the hamming distance with the index sequence between the best and second best match. The default is 2.
  • --suffix-R1 : The suffix of Read 1 output files. The default is .R1.fastq.gz.
  • --suffix-R2 : The suffix of Read 2 output files. The default is .R2.fastq.gz.
  • --suffix-I1 : The suffix of Index 1 output files. The default is .I1.fastq.gz.
  • --suffix-I2 : The suffix of Index 2 output files. The default is .I2.fastq.gz.
  • --ambiguous : The sample ID of the ambiguously demultiplexed reads. The default is ambiguous.

Expected Output

With [out_prefix] as the prefix, and [sample_ID] be the ID of best-matching samples, the following files will be created:

  • [out_prefix].[sample_ID].R1.fastq.gz : The FASTQ file of Read 1 for the sample.
  • [out_prefix].[sample_ID].R2.fastq.gz : The FASTQ file of Read 2 for the sample (if available).
  • [out_prefix].[sample_ID].I1.fastq.gz : The FASTQ file of Index 1 for the sample.
  • [out_prefix].[sample_ID].I2.fastq.gz : The FASTQ file of Index 2 for the sample (if available).
  • If the suffix is specified with --suffix-R1, --suffix-R2, --suffix-I1, --suffix-I2, the suffix will be replaced with the specified suffix.

Full Usage

The full usage of spatula subset-sge can be viewed with the --help option:

$ ./spatula custom-demux-fastq --help
[./spatula custom-demux-fastq] -- Demultiplex FASTQ files based in a customized manner

 Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Hyun Min Kang
 Licensed under the Apache License v2.0

Detailed instructions of parameters are available. Ones with "[]" are in effect:

Available Options:

== Input options ==
   --R1                     [STR: ]             : FASTQ file for read 1
   --R2                     [STR: ]             : FASTQ file for read 2
   --I1                     [STR: ]             : FASTQ file for index 1
   --I2                     [STR: ]             : FASTQ file for index 2
   --sample                 [STR: ]             : Sample sheet file containing [ID] [I1] [I2]

== Settings ==
   --cmd                    [STR: gzip -c]      : Command to compress the output files
   --consider-N-as-mismatch [FLG: OFF]          : Consider N as mismatch (default: false)
   --max-mismatch           [INT: 2]            : Maximum number of mismatch allowed
   --min-diff               [INT: 2]            : Minimum difference between the best and second best match

== Output Options ==
   --out                    [STR: ]             : Output prefix
   --suffix-R1              [STR: .R1.fastq.gz] : Output suffix for read 1
   --suffix-R2              [STR: .R2.fastq.gz] : Output suffix for read 2
   --suffix-I1              [STR: .I1.fastq.gz] : Output suffix for index 1
   --suffix-I2              [STR: .I2.fastq.gz] : Output suffix for index 2
   --ambiguous              [STR: ambiguous]    : The keyword for ambiguous samples (default: ambiguous)

When --help was included in the argument. The program prints the help message but do not actually run